District one school board candidate to turn CMS schools into learning centers
Effective Change Agent
*Leadership--Lieutenant Colonel, combat fighter pilot, defense planner.
*Teamwork--Successful business $100 million programs manager.
*Classroom experience—Middle & High school teacher for 10 years.
*Cares--Regularly speaks at CMS school board meetings & town councils
My Commitment
Save CMS. For too long CMS has focused on social engineering that steered children toward a victimhood mindset, undermined parental values, and tolerated code of conduct violations.
* Refocus on the basics and orderly classrooms, respecting the Code of Student Conduct
* Hold CMS leadership accountable.
* Remove social engineering—replace with classical education and use age-appropriate learning materials.
* Invigorate the Student-Teacher-Parent relationship to uphold parental values and school choice.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
I'm speaking out.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion using SEL programs for our students results in children being more depressed, more anxious, great difficulty in dealing with emotions, and more problems with relationships with parents. Let's return to merit, fairness, and equality to give our students dignity and self-respect.
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